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In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as "Health Care Reform," was signed into law. The law sets new rules and regulations for the health care industry while broadening access to health care, and helps make health care more affordable for participants.

Two ways the PPACA affects participants is by increasing the coverage age for dependent children to age 26 and covering in-network preventive care at 100%.

Coverage of Children to Age 26

Children of covered Benefit Trust Fund employees, including legal step-children and adopted children, can be listed as eligible dependents until the child reaches age 26. Read the Fund's notice of extending coverage to children up to age 26 (PDF).

You no longer need to submit full-time student verification for children beginning at age 19 in order for them to be listed as eligible dependents. To enroll an eligible child, complete an Enrollment Form (PDF) and fill out an Eligible Dependent Certification Form (PDF) where required.

Preventive Care

In-network preventive care under Benefit Trust Fund medical plans is covered at 100%. You do not have to meet the annual deductible or pay coinsurance when receiving preventive care from an in-network medical provider.

Preventive care includes yearly checkups and certain routine screenings. Well-child visits and routine immunizations are also considered covered preventive services. View a complete list of preventive services covered under the PPACA.


You can contact the IAM Benefit Trust Fund Office or your benefits provider directly to get more information about each plan.

  • Phone: 800-457-3481 (participants) or 202-785-8148 (others). Our phones are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.
  • Mail: National IAM Benefit Trust Fund, 99 M Street, SE,  Suite 600, Washington, DC 20003-4595
  • E-mail Form: Click Here

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